Soul Chaser Betty Design: Bureau Flashback

One of the fun things I included in Soul Chaser Betty: Slumber Party of DOOM! was a flash back sequence to events that happened to Grammy fifty years before the current story. This entire sequence occurs in the dreamland of Nod, so there was an opportunity to make it special. What did I do? I presented the entire four page sequence as if it was a newspaper strip from the 1930, trying my hand at a style that more in that vein.

That also meant I could take some liberties with the character designs. First up, the above image of a young Grammy in 1936. Her period appropriate costume required her to be able to blend into polite society while acting as an agent for the elusive Bureau.

Next up, the “Studious Man” and his henchmen.

I wanted the lead baddie in the young Grammy flashback to be stylish and sophisticated. He won’t get his own hands dirty, but look out for his henchmen.
The “Heavy” is a lunk, a big, dispassionate slab of stupid muscle. His unique body shape emphasizes this, something almost devoid of personality, a robotic henchman who just does what he’s told. His coat is a Norfolk tweed jacket, most likely British, although I didn’t include the tweedy pattern in the final page art.
This henchman (“Stinker”) was designed to be someone who likes what he does, taking a glee in hurting people. His 1930’s costume tells us he’s probably someone who has mob ties, or really wants to be in that life.

I think that’s it for the older design drawings. Next time I’ll start posting the newest designs from the upcoming Soul Chaser Betty Story.

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