Soul Chaser Betty Design: All the Hottest 80’s Fashions

The latest adventure of Soul Chaser Betty is nearing completion! In celebration, here’s a new costume design update featuring all the bodacious fashions the gang will be sporting in the new book! Are you ready for a time warp back to the “awesome 80’s?” It can’t be summer forever! Betty’s newest adventure takes her from …

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Soul Chaser Betty Design Update: Cheerleaders

This week it’s all about the costume designs for mean girls, specifically cheerleaders! Blair and Madison rule the hallowed halls of Armstrong County High School. They like to book the bookish Tonya, make fun of Keith, and generally spend their time making the school a horrible place to hang. And of course, they descend like …

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Soul Chaser Betty Design Update: Slumber Party!

This week’s update is all about sleepover costumes from Soul Chaser Betty! As I get close to finishing the pages for the latest adventure of Betty and the gang, I’m also updating the site with behind the scenes images from the previous books. So let’s check out some of the designs I did for Soul …

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Totoro Final Fantasy & Star Wars Commissions

This week it’s a couple more commissions being added to the site. First up, the above commission of Boba Fett, entitled “You’ve Been Served.” It seems Mr. Fett has been the target of quite a few paternity suits by wayward clones after the fall of the Republic. After all, a simple genetic test will show …

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Twilight Tangents
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