New Art: Shoulder (NSFW)

It’s time to dip back into the archives!

“Shoulder” is a rare piece that few have seen. Dating back to 2011, it’s never been added to the site before, and I’ve only rarely made prints of it. However, it’s one of my favorites, probably because of its simplicity.

Shoulder came out of a time when I was just messing around with styles, tools, and techniques. I got into the habit of taking a figure drawing, sketch, or doodle and doing something “finished” with it. The intention was to try new things with ink, paint, and color without committing to making a complex illustration. Grabbing a nice figure drawing from my sketchbook with some sort of promise to it allowed me to skip the drawing stage and just play.

I came to refer to these as “Figures Experimentals” (some sort of arty title that my work definitely doesn’t deserve, lol). I only did a few, and most of the results were quite simple. But some grew and became more complex, and eventually led to more finished work. Either way, they turned out to be some of my favorites.

I don’t know why I never got around to publishing Shoulder here on the site, but better late than never!

Since it’s a “Not Safe For Work” piece, I’ve only teased Shoulder in the above image. To see it, check out the Women: Savage Worlds Gallery, but be warned: there lies dragons nudity. While you’re there, also look for other pieces that came from these experiments: Red Handed, Blade Dancer, and Spear Girl.

Twilight Tangents
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