Betty Book 08 Inking Progress

Ok, let’s get right into it. I’ve started inking Soul Chaser Betty and the —

Hey, wait a minute, I haven’t revealed the title of the new story yet! That’ coming soon as I work on finalizing the logo for the new book.

But I digress. Lets get back to talking about progress. I’m about 25% of the way through inking the book, so I thought it was a good time to share some of what I’m doing. Let’s check ’em out!

First up, a wide panel that shows what I’m trying to do with with backgrounds and environments. In the past I definitely would have shied away from too much architecture, especially at an angle like this. But now I’m able to spend more time with tools like Sketch Up to help me visualize more complex shots.

Rolf pops back to the farm from a trip to Nod. Why the heck is the front porch all boarded up?

Next we have an inked version of a penciled panel I’ve previously shared. I can’t wait to go back and shade this panel, adding effects for Betty’s magical barrier.

Betty throws a barrier against something that seems to have a LOT of teeth…

Here’s the second ink of Sara that I’ve done for the book. I was excited to try some new inking techniques on her hair! So far, I’m pretty happy with it.

Tonya nd Sara on the boarded up porch. Hopefully they can work together to figure out what the heck is attacking the farm!

Here’s another shot that I’ve previously shared in pencil form. Once again, I’m trying some new stuff with backgrounds. Here I’m playing around with silhouettes, something I had quite a bit of fun experimenting with for Inktober 2019.

Rolf flying through the Land of Nod. Why the heck is the dreamland looking like a jungle?

Finally, here’s one of my favorite shots from the new book. Well, half of it, anyway (I’m still not quite ready to show the big baddies just yet). I like drawing action shots of Betty, and this was an opportunity to push myself to try something more dynamic than I’ve done in the past.

Run, Betty, RUN! This is what happens when you hide in a work shed when avoiding things that go bump in the night…

That’s all I’ve got to share today. But, in case you missed it, there’s some pencils from the new book to check out here, and some character designs featuring Sara here!

Don’t forget, I’m also sharing lots of new stuff over on the Betty Facebook page, including pencils and inks not seen here on Twilight Tangents – So please check them out! Likes and shares much appreciated.

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