Soul Chaser Betty Design Update

Ok, more art is going up on the site almost every week! I’ve been alternating between posting new (or at least “new to you!”) illustrations and con sketches and new Soul Chaser Betty stuff. This week, I’m adding some new Betty stuff that is actually quite old, but never before seen by a lot of fans: original character designs!

First up, we have our core cast of characters. It was actually way back in 2014 when I decided to start a new Soul Chaser Betty story. That book, Slumber Party of DOOM!, wouldn’t see publication until 2019 (hey, I had a day job and I did my best, you know) but there was a lot of work put into it before I even started drawing the first page.

What you’ll find here are my “re-designs” of Betty, Rolf, Grammy, Tonya, and Keith. The original series had ended in 2004 with issue 6, and the last time I had really drawn these characters was probably 2007, when I went back and cleaned up some art and added new scenes for the graphic novel release. So that was 7-10 years of being away from these characters, but my style had also evolved quite a bit over that time. I needed to remind myself how to draw the characters and update them to something more “Modern BMAN.”

So, here they are with some commentary. These will now live in the Soul Chaser Betty Design Gallery. I’ll be adding more over the coming months with these updates, including costume and creature designs from Slumber Party of DOOM! as well as the new story!

Before I started penciling Slumber Party of DOOM!, I took the time to redesign my characters and bring them up to date with the way my style had evolved. After all, I hadn’t drawn the characters in at least seven years!
I began my character design updates with Betty and Rolf, creating front, three-quarter, and profile drawings to work out each character’s proportions and look. I still use these as reference when drawing, even if some things, like Rolf’s hair, have evolved a bit since then.
Tonya needed a lot of work to update her hair and glasses. I love drawing her, but never seem to feel like I get her hair right when inking.
For some reason I really liked drawing Keith in the original series. His design (and maybe Grammy’s) probably changed the least in the updates.
Grammy is definitely one of the characters from the original series that kind of got short-changed when it came to her design. Not as glamorous of a character to design, she just kind of evolved over time. For the new stories, I wanted to make sure I spent the time to make her more consistent and animated.

Twilight Tangents
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