New Art: Prince of Demons Inks

A few weeks ago I shared the new piece I’m working on, and now it’s time for an update. Prince of Demons is the first full color illustration I’ve begun in quite some time. But the first step after drawing it was actually inking the lines in preparation for the painting. At that point I realized I was about half way to a solid inked version as well, so why not finish it?

I used this as an opportunity to experiment and try some new techniques, particularly with the cross hatching! So I learned something new and got a nice pen and ink done as well—win win, right?

If you’re interested in reading the stories that inspired Prince of Demons, check out the Tales of the Flat Earth series by Tanith Lee. Start with Night’s Master, which introduces Azhrarn the Prince of Demons, and read about the story of Azhrarn and Dunziel (which inspired this piece) in the third book, Delusion’s Master.

Detail of Prince of Demons.

Both of these images have been added to the Ink Drawings Gallery, where you can find more pen and inks to check out.

Stay tuned for the final color piece, coming soon!

In the meantime, remember that Salvage Hounds 01 and Soul Chaser Betty: Slumber Party of DOOM! are now available in the shop.

Twilight Tangents
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