New Art: Prince of Demons Color

Well, this one has been waiting a while to make its debut here on the site. I actually finished this piece earlier this year, but then got caught up in working on the art for the new Soul Chaser Betty. Without further ado, may I present Prince of Demons.

Prince of Demons

I noodled around with the colors on this one for quite a bit. One of these days I’m going to write an honest piece about what it’s like be color blind as an artist. Short version: there’s a lot of second guessing. That’s one of the reasons why my color versions can often appear so much later than the black and white versions of the same piece.

Prince of Demons (Detail)

Prince of Demons was inspired by the story of Azhrarn and Dunizel from Tanith Lee’s Flat Earth series of fantasy stories. Azhrarn makes his first appearance in Night’s Master, while the story of Dunizel appears in Delusion’s Master. Azhrarn is the Prince of Demons, who only walks the Earth by night, for the sun’s harsh light would be the death of him. He falls in love with Dunizel, Moonfire, a woman who embodies the light of the sun, but only that pale light which is reflected by the Moon and Comet by night. Through her, he can experience a faint glimmer of the light of day.

The pencils and inked versions of Prince of Demons can be found in the Drawings and Ink galleries. The color version had found its home in the Illustrations gallery.

More art is on the way, so check back soon!

Twilight Tangents
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