Ok, it’s been a while since my last update. I know, I know—ya’ll want to know what’s cooking in the Twilight Tangents kitchen. Unfortunately, I’ve been sick with not one, but TWO bouts of the flu since Labor Day. I mean, I haven’t been sick since the olden times of 2019. All that masking, social distancing, and well, let’s face it, being an introverted recluse, kept me protected for years. It all had to catch up with me, sooner or later, and boy did it…
That may have kept me from posting, but that doesn’t meant I haven’t been hard at work on new stuff in between the sniffles. So here’s the deal: I’m over half way through penciling a brand, spankin’ new issue of Salvage Hounds!

This book will be around 26 pages of story, featuring new characters, new ships, and new locations. You can be sure the final book will also be chock full of character and costume sketches, mechanical designs, and 3D ship models.

What’s the story about? Well, if Volume 01 set the stage and introduced the misfits of the Mutt, then Volume 02 kicks off a deeper, more harrowing adventure. The law is on their tail, but let’s face it, when you can barely scrape together the coin to fuel up for the next legitimate job, then those shady gigs start to look awful enticing… Olivia Singh’s past just might drag the crew into trouble with mob goons and syndicate strongarms, to say nothing of her past flames and frenemies.

Ok, Ok, but when’s it coming out, you ask. I’m not sure, actually. All I can say is that it better be done before we’re too deep into 2024, and that I’ll keep you updated on progress as I go along.

Stay tuned for more art coming soon!