Just sneaking in another quick art update. This week, it’s all about the cover pencils to Salvage Hounds volume 01, presented clean without titles, logos, and text.
The concept for this cover (above image) was sort of a “movie poster” approach, showing a montage of the Hounds set against a backdrop of space. This also shows how I’m using 3D renders for ships and other mechanical “characters” in the book, such as the Cyclops Neuromecha and Pounder. Only the torso and head of the mecha was rendered, while the arms, legs and gun were penciled in.
Next up, the front cover close up. One of the joys of digital penciling is that I can work on multiple layers, isolating each character and working on them individually, then adjusting positions later as needed. Yes, I could do this in the old days of the meat space, but that required taped on tracing paper, photocopies, or laborious paste up. Now, all that is swept aside, allowing me to just draw!

These pencils are now live in the Drawings and Pencils Gallery. The isolated inks are coming soon!