Sketch and drawings from the development of Soul Chaser Betty. I’ve also included some con sketches and other “just for fun” stuff.
Tap each one to see more detail, and you can also tap on the larger version for a title and description.

Betty's Back! - 2007
This was originally the title page pin-up for Soul Chaser Betty Issue 5. I decided it would make an excellent back cover image for the Graphic Novel, so I updated it and painted it in full color.

Soul Chaser Betty Poster - 2001-2007
This began as an older poster of Betty used to promote the book at local cons back in '01. I dusted it off in '05, re-drawing it and re-inking it. However, I didn't get around to painting it in color until 2007.

Betty Wrap Around Cover - 2007
This is the Soul Chaser Betty Graphic Novel cover. It's designed as a "wrap around" cover, so Betty and the Weaver are seen on the front of the book, while the Geists on the left are seen on the back cover.

Betty Slice - 2000
This was a little action pose doodle I brought into Painter to play around with back before I had even drawn the first page of Betty. I was experimenting with digital coloring via Painter 4.0 and learned from this one to work as large as I can, (always...need...more...memory!).

Betty Defiant - 2000
Done as an experiment as I was ramping up to do the first pages of Soul Chaser Betty. This was my first experience with Painter, and I was pretty satisfied with the results back in the day. This uses the Watercolor brushes straight on the scanned pencil line.

Betty Pose - 2009
This is an ink sketch of Betty I did for a con. I like the pose quite a bit, even if there isn't really much holding her blade up.

Betty Sketch 03 - 2005
Another Betty sketch I did early in 2005 for the Anime Central convention. I like the way this one turned out.

Betty Run - 2006
This is a Betty pinup I did back in '06. I quite like this one, and its one of my favorite Betty drawings.

Betty Bed
This is a Betty pinup from back in '06. This one was kinda fun to do and was created for a con, probably Anime Central. Betty really needs to keep better track of where she keeps her pants, doesn't she?

Betty Sketch - 2007
This is another sketch I did of Betty for a con. I like the sense of movement in the picture, and had fun with the hair.

Betty Lounge - 2008
This is a Betty pinup I did for Anime Central 08. It's cheeky, the shoes were fun to do, and over all I liked the pose. It's a bit different for me.

Betty Pinup - 2006
This was a sketch I did back in '06, but took back out and inked in '07. It was never really a favorite of mine, especially with the off kilter foot and problems with proportions. However, I like the way the ink turned out out, and it served its use as an inking practice piece quite nicely.

Betty Action Ink - 2007
I often sell sketches, or do commissioned sketches on the spot at cons. My pencils tend to be very light, however, so I think they always pop better when inked. In early 2007 I decided to get more practice in inking sketches the old fashioned way, on paper instead of digitally (all of the Betty comic was inked in Painter).

Betty Sketch 04 - 2005
Here is a sketch I did of Betty for the Anime Central 05 convention. I like this one a lot. I just like her attitude.