I’ve put a bunch of stuff here from games that never saw the light of day. Most of these are from Valkyrie Studios, circa 1999-2000-ish.
Tap each for more detail, and then on the larger image for more info.

The Witchfinder - 2000
This was created for a game project that was never green lit. The Witchfinders were to be lone warriors sent to rally local villagers, turning their pitchfork wielding mobs into efficient armies to fight the undead. I definitely wanted to get that Solomon Kane / Vampire Hunter D style here.

Witchfinder 02 - 2000
Another design for the Witchfinder concept. The third person game concept pitted humans against classic monsters in a combination of action and real time strategy.

Salvage Hounds - 1999
Another game concept from Valkyrie Studios. Salvage Hounds would have been a 3D third person action game about the exploits of a group of deep space salvagers who moonlight as mercenaries/bounty hunters. The player's confrontations with space pirates and other unsavory types would have taken place within the zero-g corridors and decks of space ships and space stations. The game's world was a bit more realistic than most sci-fi, with rotating ship sections used to create gravity, conventional weapons, and a setting that kept within Earth's solar system.

Bug Wing - 2000
This baddie was created for the Valkyrie game Seraphim (which was never green lit). These bio-mechanical enemies were large enough that a man could ride it as a horse. Twin booster packs propelled the beast to its prey, while five claw tipped arms could rip it apart.

Kung Fu Monk Concept - 1998
This was the first design I did for a game simply code named, "The Ninja Game", and one of my very favorite designs at the time. Each character was going to represent a certain aspect of martial arts or other skills. The Monk was an older, wiser Chinese monk cast out of his home land and wandering in Japan. The monk was the character best suited to magical use.

Samurai Concept 01 - 1998
Created for The Ninja Game concept, this character was a Ronin, a warrior with no master. The Samurai would have been great at attacking, but weak in the magic arts.

Assassin Concept - 1998
Another Ninja Game concept. The female Ninja would have been an expert at climbing and assassination.

Ninja Boy Concept - 1998
Another Ninja Game concept. This character was a young orphaned thief who used ranged attacks. His specialty would have been picking locks and tracking.

Ninja Concept - 1998
A design for the main Ninja in The Ninja Game concept. Of course the Ninja would have been the master of disguise and assassination, plus he could cast magic.

Seraphim - 1995
One of the games that Viacom was working on back in '94 or '95 was based on Dante's Inferno. The player would take a trip through Hell. The artists from other teams were called in to do a sort of brainstorming / art jam to help the game's designers. One of my contributions was this demonic Seraphim. My penchant for winged demi-gods was just getting started...